Welcome to That Vegan Couple’s Podcast

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Episode 025: Double Standards That Annoy Vegans!

Episode 025: Double Standards That Annoy Vegans!

Vegans face some pretty outrageous and annoying double standards... from always needing to look healthy, and making sure the "tone police" are kept happy, to not earning money for your work helping animals! We share our top 6 double standards vegans face....

Episode 024: Animalogy with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Episode 024: Animalogy with Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Joining us in this episode is bestselling author, podcaster, international speaker, and animal advocate, Colleen Patrick-Goudreau. For over 17 years, Colleen has dedicated her life to equipping people with the tools and resources they need to make healthy...

Episode 022: How to Deal with Your Non-Vegan Partner and Children

Episode 022: How to Deal with Your Non-Vegan Partner and Children

This is one of the most common questions that we’re asked … how do I deal with my non-vegan partner and children?  What do you say?? How do you even approach the topic when your partner isn’t even open to talking about veganism?? And what about kids...

Episode 021: Storytime From Around The World! Part 2

Episode 021: Storytime From Around The World! Part 2

So many of you loved Episode 18 - Storytime From Around The World, Part 1 … and wanted more! Of course we couldn’t not make Part 2. In this episode we tell some hair-raising stories from what could have been a deadly end to a tuk-tuk ride in India, and a...

Episode 020: Do You Suffer From Vystopia?

Episode 020: Do You Suffer From Vystopia?

Do you suffer from Vystopia? Perhaps you’ve never even heard of the term? Is there a cure for it?  We discuss this and so much more with our special guest, vegan psychologist and author, Clare Mann.   Clare has been heavily involved in the...

Episode 018: Storytime From Around The World! Part 1

Episode 018: Storytime From Around The World! Part 1

We get a lot of feedback from our listeners and so many of you enjoy our stories and flashbacks. So we thought we’d pick a few of our favorite stories and share them in this episode.  We ended up talking about many different topics and kind of...

Episode 016: Unlocking The Cage – Who Is A Legal Person?

Episode 016: Unlocking The Cage – Who Is A Legal Person?

This episode was requested by a listener. They asked us to watch and discuss the film Unlocking The Cage.  The film follows animal rights lawyer Steven Wise in his unprecedented challenge to break down the legal wall that separates animals from...

Episode 013: Minimalism – Did We Fail?

Episode 013: Minimalism – Did We Fail?

We live a fairly transient life and our recent move made us reassess all the stuff we own. Whilst preparing for our move, we were knee-deep in boxes and felt like minimalist failures! What and why are we still holding onto stuff?? To give you a better...

Episode 012: Is Eating Animals Bad Karma?

Episode 012: Is Eating Animals Bad Karma?

We were asked some great questions by various people about Karma, spiritual truths, and veganism… so we combined some of these questions and answer them in this episode.  Do you believe in Karma? Does eating animals give you bad Karma? How do...

Episode 008: Ask TVC – Are You a Crazy, Obsessed, Weirdo?

Episode 008: Ask TVC – Are You a Crazy, Obsessed, Weirdo?

Welcome to another episode in our Ask TVC series. We could really relate to today's question and had a few stories to share as we discussed it. How do you deal with people saying your lifestyle choices are crazy, obsessive, and weird? Ohh boy, what an...

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