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Welcome to another episode in our Ask TVC series.
We could really relate to today’s question and had a few stories to share as we discussed it.
How do you deal with people saying your lifestyle choices are crazy, obsessive, and weird?
Ohh boy, what an upside-down world we live in!
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success
A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams.
“La Belle Verte“ [The Green Beautiful]
Instrumental music produced by Chuki
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The majority of people don’t “hate” healthy/fit people. On the contrary, most healthy minded people appreciate and admire a healthy/fit individual. It only becomes an issue when individuals like yourselves are overly concerned about their health. It seems that you have no other interests but your focus on veganism and exercise. It is evident you guys suffer from orthorexia. It is a common trait of people that choose to go vegan, they usually have some sort of mental illness, mainly hypochondria, orthorexia or general anxiety disorders. People call you weirdos because you are wasting away your lives. Many people stay fit and eat healthy but get on with their lives, they juggle kids, family and businesses. If you step out of your little bubble and social media quotes you live in, you will realize that the world is much bigger than just veganism.
Haha, you found the time to leave this silly comment on our YouTube video AND our website! Wow, you must really enjoy listening to us and we’re so grateful that you choose to spend so much of your free time focused on us! You don’t seem to understand that this is our job… is a PT “overly concerned about their health”, or are they just doing their job? Ironically, if you actually listened to what we say, you’d quickly learn that we have lived through many, many different life experiences (much more than the average person), and so we’re the last people that are in a “bubble”. Considering you’re not even vegan, we really don’t consider your trolling opinions anything more than a bit of fan/stalker flattery, so thanks ? And please, get off social media and experience life a bit … sounds like you’re spending too much time in a “love/hate obsessed with TVC” bubble ?
I totally loved this episode. I am this person 24/7, no matter who I am surrounded with (maybe except for my boyfriend). Always the weirdo, the crazy, the obssessed, the vegan, the fit, the killjoy (for not wanting to stay longer at parties), the one “with excuses not to do stuff”. The last one is about me not wanting to be around my friends’ friends whom I just don’t like and who bring me down. I am self-aware and eager to be the healthiest and the fittest that I can possibly be, but I also have passions which are different than drinking, partying or socializing with people that are not worth my time just for the sake of it. It is EXTREMELY tiring if you are a university student, and it is even more exhausting if you are passionate about your field of study and want to become a university teacher and a linguist, and you choose to spend your time studying longer. People just don’t get it and make me feel like I have to explain myself to them all the time. I’m really sorry for them but I’m also sorry for myself for every time I have to answer all the silly questions about my lifestyle. Thank you for this podcast. I hope it will give me strenght for the next few times I have to put up with those situations. Lost of love, Laura from Poland xx
Hey Laura, happy that this episode resinated with you so much! We totally hear your frustration … yep, you’re not alone. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. All the best with your studies and keep up the great work … you’re setting an incredible example 😉 Much love to Poland xo
Great episode! It is so sad that unhealthiness is the norm these days so such a topic is necessary.
Glad you enjoyed it Anne, thanks for leaving a comment 🙂
Oh my…I was so surprised having my questions answered by you guys! And in the most positive and sweetest manner as always! The kid-comparison Natasha mentioned really got me thinking as well as the Krishnamurti quote in the beginning! 🙂 Thank you so much! Romi. PS: I really would love to hear the vegan-fail-party-story 🙂
This podcast was great! I didn’t even realize fit-shaming was a thing wow!! I can’t believe that, what is wrong with people?! This is an eye opener!
It sure is a thing … and a very sad thing at that 🙁 Thanks so much for listening.
Great episode guys, I could really relate to this topic. Thanks for answering this question 🙂
You’re welcome Paul, thanks for listening.
So true, ppl always make things about them…so what they say reflects how they feel. Love your podcast guys
Thanks so much, glad you’re enjoy the podcast Katie.
Thank you for uploading this podcast! As for the ‘obsession’ with food… I would change a couple of letters… For me it is ‘passion’. Vegan dishes and lifestyle is full of colours, creativity and vibrant energy. In addition to this, when I get information from good sources like from vegan doctors, I can make different food choices so that my health can improve. Thanks to these doctors, learning is simple and interesting and it can give us freedom and responsibility back.
They sound like great “obsessions” to have! 😉 And yes, passion is the better word. Thanks for listening and commenting.
Hi guys! I just wanted to say that people also accuse me of being obsessed with being vegan and I take a little pride in that. My mother gets mad at me for such things as refusing to put my little family’s veggie burgers on their flesh cooking BBQ or having a cruelty free house and honestly…I couldn’t care less. I am very strong willed and refuse to budge with no apologies. Peoples comments don’t bother me…I know this is the right way to live, the only way to live and I keep that in mind. That being said, what does bother me is that I am an overweight vegan lol. It’s only been five months but my husband has lost 35 lbs where as I have only lost 5 lbs. Weight loss is the last reason we adopted this lifestyle but in order for me to advocate to other people about the health benefits…you see what I mean. People who know me (and I’ve turned a few) see the difference but for strangers to look at me, and here I am spouting the health benefits (because it seems to appeal to more people then stopping animal cruelty and saving the planet), they don’t really believe it lol. As you were, I am a couch potato and lazy. I am a stay at home mom who writes and so exercising is just…ugh. I have Rheumatoid arthritis so I’m assuming some of the fatigue comes from that but still. Anyways…my point was lmao once you show people you don’t care what they think of your lifestyle (maybe loose your shit once or so and put them in their place) they will back off. Anyone who is not at least supportive in my world takes a back burner…even family.
Hi Rachelle, you’ve got a great attitude on this topic ?? Good on you for staying strong! As for the weight loss, we hear you… it’s going to be different for everyone… some people will lose weight easily just dropping animal products, but for others, more effort is needed. Yes exercise will definitely make a difference, and of course basing your diet around whole plant foods is key. We do have a Health & Lifestyle Guide eBook https://leanpub.com/healthlifestyleguide that can help guide the weight loss process if you feel you need more help. Our motivation for eating healthy and staying active is the animals … as you said, it’s just easier to promote the health benefits of veganism if you physically look good (as superficial as that sounds)… so when we feel ugh and can’t be bothered, we know we have to get up and out for the animals. So maybe use that as your motivation too. Hope this helps and thanks so much for listening and commenting 🙂